In order for us to know how to stop global warming, we should first learn what it is and what is its cause. Have you been inside a greenhouse on a hot day? It’s very hot in there, right? That is because the glass traps the heat so that the plants will get the benefit of the sun’s rays.

What causes global warming? It is the carbon dioxide that we put into the earth’s atmosphere. Whenever we use energy we spew out carbon dioxide into the air. Whenever we use oil, fuel and gas, we create carbon dioxide that mixes with the oxygen that we breathe.

So, how to stop global warming? The simple answer is to stop putting carbon dioxide into the air. When we ask, how? The answer is far from simple. Ideally, we can stop the build-up of carbon into the air by closing down the factories and not using all the vehicles that create the carbon. That is very difficult in reality. Millions of people will lose jobs and car industries and transportation sector will go bankrupt. There will be a collapse in the global economy and everyone will suffer.

What the governments of many countries are doing is not to completely close down the factories that belch out large amounts of carbon dioxide. They are passing laws that will force these factories to clean up the smoke that they are creating. They are also giving incentives for manufacturers to make more electronic and hybrid cars and the consumers to buy them.

Tree planting is also a way to stop global warming. Trees inhale the carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Do you notice that the quality of air in cities with lots of trees isn’t as bad as those cities where there are no trees? That’s because trees reduce the carbon content of our air.

Probably the best answer to the question, “How to stop global warming” is a combination of government, communal and individual initiatives. The government cannot do it alone. Small communities cannot do it alone. An individual cannot do it alone. But if government, communities help each other out, there is a chance for our planet earth to become cooler and safer from natural calamities brought about by global warming.

The carbon that our cars, airplanes and factories give off in our air works like the glass in a green house. They trap the heat which makes our earth hotter. That is global warning.

What causes global warming? It is the carbon dioxide that we put into the earth’s atmosphere. Whenever we use energy we spew out carbon dioxide into the air. Whenever we use oil, fuel and gas, we create carbon dioxide that mixes with the oxygen that we breathe.

So, how to stop global warming? The simple answer is to stop putting carbon dioxide into the air. When we ask, how? The answer is far from simple. Ideally, we can stop the build-up of carbon into the air by closing down the factories and not using all the vehicles that create the carbon. That is very difficult in reality. Millions of people will lose jobs and car industries and transportation sector will go bankrupt. There will be a collapse in the global economy and everyone will suffer.

What the governments of many countries are doing is not to completely close down the factories that belch out large amounts of carbon dioxide. They are passing laws that will force these factories to clean up the smoke that they are creating. They are also giving incentives for manufacturers to make more electronic and hybrid cars and the consumers to buy them.

Tree planting is also a way to stop global warming. Trees inhale the carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Do you notice that the quality of air in cities with lots of trees isn’t as bad as those cities where there are no trees? That’s because trees reduce the carbon content of our air.

Probably the best answer to the question, “How to stop global warming” is a combination of government, communal and individual initiatives. The government cannot do it alone. Small communities cannot do it alone. An individual cannot do it alone. But if government, communities help each other out, there is a chance for our planet earth to become cooler and safer from natural calamities brought about by global warming.